Great blog post from Yoga Journal- I personally can't wait for the day when Western medicine has their 'Ah HAH' moment about yoga- IT HEALS!!!! It doesn't just MASK the problems like medicines do! As it was long ago and still today in some countries, health professionals or wise gurus would 'prescribe' various postures in order to treat diseases and health problems. Sometimes I get the feeling 'health care' isn't caring much for your health as it is for wallets of those in charge of it. We can start a revolution here- point out to your doctor how yoga has changed your life. Plant the seed. As nice as it is not having insurance companies and the medical field sniffing around our yoga studios to take a piece of the pie, there may be an opportunity to get their support and eventually have yoga prescribed for your health, well being and therepy needs.
Yogis have known for centuries that a yoga practice makes us feel calm and centered. But science is finally catching up with what we've all experienced on the mat and the cushion: yoga changes our brain chemistry, which in turn helps improve mood and decrease anxiety.
A new study in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary medicine reports that yoga triggers the release of the brain chemical gamma-aminobutyric acid, or GABA, a chemical in the brain that helps to regulate nerve activity.
The findings establish a new link between yoga, higher levels of GABA, and improved mood.
The study, led by researchers at the Boston University School of Medicine (the lead researcher is a yogi!), brings us one step closer toward harnessing yoga's power of prevention and relaxation. Who knows: maybe this can lead to a wider acceptance of yoga in the medical community as a tool to help people struggling with anxiety and depression. Prescription for yoga, anyone?
<3 k.deer
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