Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Daily Insight -- Keep Resentment at Bay

Daily Insight -- Keep Resentment at Bay

I'm having a hard time getting into the shopping aspect. I LOVE to give gifts and bring a smile to someone, but there's this 'obligation' at Christmas time to give that I am uncomfortable with. Receiving is also awkward for me, bc there is nothing I need or want. I'm trying to be content and yet the holiday season is forcing me to want and state what it is I desire materialistically. Be true to yourself.

I like this article- just a good reminder to go with the flow, get bold in your physical practice and get out of your head. Stay true to yourself during this time and make an effort to give what you believe in. Gifts with purpose and gifts that encourage open heart thinking, is a good place to start.

Let go of the stresses, there is no need to feel them. Go do some yoga, it just may help :)

<3 k.deer

Monday, December 6, 2010

Yoga Journal - Yoga Philosophy - Sophisticated Ego

Yoga Journal - Yoga Philosophy - Sophisticated Ego

hmmmm..... takes me back to one of my first posts:

Please leave your ego at the door.. We have all heard it before. But before you go and ban your ego from coming onto the mat with you, consider the fact that it's OK to love what you see. It can motivate you, make you feel proud, accomplished or simply content. Your practice may be a moving meditation, but it's also an expression, TO YOURSELF, of who you are. You are there for YOU and only YOU. Express yourself, feel confident in what you do and what you wear, because inside the yoga room is a perfect time to cultivate the love you have for yourself. Love what you see, love how you feel, love who you are.

Express yourself!
<3 href=""> The 'Haute and Hip' Short in Pink Prana Paisley!! <3

Daily Insight -- Energy Boost

Daily Insight -- Energy Boost

<3 these ideas!!! Think I'll get my OJ and rock salt on right about NOW!!!

How do you snag some end of the day energy?!?!

<3 k.deer

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

You have the power

This statement was beautifully writen by Kim Michelle Brown, Barkan Method Hot Yoga teacher out of Albequerque NM. We trained together in Florida and she is an O.G. when it comes to K.Deer Haute Yoga Wear <3

Believing that something is difficult makes it so. Positive visualization and affirming a favorable outcome with emotion, unleashes unstoppable faith. Faith brings about infinite creativity as well as euphoric dopamines which will make you happy, and strengthen your immune system.

Thank you Kim!!!  Love you!!!!