Monday, January 10, 2011

Wisdom -- Soul Mate

Love to get these great e-mails- tid bits- if you will, from Yoga Journal. I like the message that we must understand and love ourselves- aware that no one else can 'complete' us. Take a step back from that relationship and make sure you are 100% you. Then see how that complimenting partner only accentuates the wonderful things about you :)

<3 k.deer

Wisdom -- Soul Mate

'Soul Mate
A committed yoga practice can absolutely transform our relationships. "Through our yoga practice, we learn to look at ourselves, including the parts of us that are less evolved. Learning how to do this physically, with discomfort in an asana, helps us to do this emotionally," says Bo Forbes, who is a yoga teacher, Integrative Yoga Therapist, and clinical psychologist in Boston. "If we can't sit with our emotions, we are more likely to act them out on ourselves or others."
Our culture and traditions school us to believe that someday our prince (or princess) will come, that a relationship has the potential to solve problems like loneliness, that the right partner will make us feel whole. Popular romantic movies propagate the myth of another person completing us. On the face of it, the idea of being "completed" by another seems deeply romantic. But it's a fantasy that can weigh down a relationship with impossible expectations. The truth is that while your partner can offer many things, he or she can't "complete" you. The only person who can give you a sense of security and an unshakable love of you is you. And though you may "know" this with your mind, sometimes feelings of unworthiness, insecurity, and incompleteness are so deeply buried that you aren't even aware of them or of how they influence your behavior.'

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