Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Daily Insight -- Keep Resentment at Bay

Daily Insight -- Keep Resentment at Bay

I'm having a hard time getting into the shopping aspect. I LOVE to give gifts and bring a smile to someone, but there's this 'obligation' at Christmas time to give that I am uncomfortable with. Receiving is also awkward for me, bc there is nothing I need or want. I'm trying to be content and yet the holiday season is forcing me to want and state what it is I desire materialistically. Be true to yourself.

I like this article- just a good reminder to go with the flow, get bold in your physical practice and get out of your head. Stay true to yourself during this time and make an effort to give what you believe in. Gifts with purpose and gifts that encourage open heart thinking, is a good place to start.

Let go of the stresses, there is no need to feel them. Go do some yoga, it just may help :)

<3 k.deer

Monday, December 6, 2010

Yoga Journal - Yoga Philosophy - Sophisticated Ego

Yoga Journal - Yoga Philosophy - Sophisticated Ego

hmmmm..... takes me back to one of my first posts:

Please leave your ego at the door.. We have all heard it before. But before you go and ban your ego from coming onto the mat with you, consider the fact that it's OK to love what you see. It can motivate you, make you feel proud, accomplished or simply content. Your practice may be a moving meditation, but it's also an expression, TO YOURSELF, of who you are. You are there for YOU and only YOU. Express yourself, feel confident in what you do and what you wear, because inside the yoga room is a perfect time to cultivate the love you have for yourself. Love what you see, love how you feel, love who you are.

Express yourself!
<3 href=""> The 'Haute and Hip' Short in Pink Prana Paisley!! <3

Daily Insight -- Energy Boost

Daily Insight -- Energy Boost

<3 these ideas!!! Think I'll get my OJ and rock salt on right about NOW!!!

How do you snag some end of the day energy?!?!

<3 k.deer

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

You have the power

This statement was beautifully writen by Kim Michelle Brown, Barkan Method Hot Yoga teacher out of Albequerque NM. We trained together in Florida and she is an O.G. when it comes to K.Deer Haute Yoga Wear <3

Believing that something is difficult makes it so. Positive visualization and affirming a favorable outcome with emotion, unleashes unstoppable faith. Faith brings about infinite creativity as well as euphoric dopamines which will make you happy, and strengthen your immune system.

Thank you Kim!!!  Love you!!!!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

YJ Wisdom -- Change is in the Air

Wisdom -- Change is in the Air

Love this from Yoga Journal-

Change is in the Air

How is it that when life is spun around by circumstances, benign or otherwise, some people flail, while others sail? Why do some of us wallow in that place where we're so shocked and unhappy about an unexpected turn of events that we resist reality and find ourselves mired in bitterness or fear or hopelessness? Instead of accepting change with grace, we dig in our heels and suffer through each day of things not being what we think they should be. What's the secret to riding each new wave gracefully—regardless of whether it deposits you gently on the beach or wallops you down to the seafloor?

Whether we crave or dread change, we can't escape it. Here's how to live with it—and learn from it.

Read the full article:

<3 k.deer

Women's Health- Best Yoga for Women

Have a read! It's great to educate yourself step by step on how to get into a posture. Great list from Womens Health Magazine - what other postures do you feel help your practice?

Monday, November 29, 2010

"Mr. Hot Yoga: How Bikram Choudhury changed the way we exercise" by Clifford Pugh

Hey, you can't deny, Bikram practices his Satya ;)

I for one, am very grateful for his contribution to western culture. Bikram yoga, hot yoga, has changed my life forever. Enjoy this article or click on the link to see it's origins.

"Mr. Hot Yoga: How Bikram Choudhury changed the way we exercise"
By Clifford Pugh

At first, I thought I had happened into the wrong hotel room.
The man at the door was dressed in a cream-colored silk zoot suit and shirt with contrasting black collar and cuffs, jeweled cuff links, an American flag tie tack pinned to his swirly black tie, gold loafers and white fedora, with his longish black hair peeking out from the back.
This is the man who "invented" hot yoga?
I had expected a swami in flowing robes. Instead I found a man who looked like he was part of Michael Jackson's entourage.
"I'm in show biz. I entertain people," Bikram Choudhury said during an interview before presenting a lecture at Rice University. "It's a very boring subject. Why do you want to pay money to go to a hot room and torture yourself? I have to make it a little interesting."
In recent years, Birkram's regimen of hot yoga, incorporating two sets of 26 poses during a 90-minute session in temperatures approaching 112 degrees, has taken off. In 1995, when the first freestanding Bikram studio in Houston opened, it attracted only a handful of students. Now there are six sanctioned studios in Houston — 15 in Texas — and thousands of regulars. He has more than 500 approved studios in the United States and around the world.
"Before, only young kids used to come. Now (people in their) 50s and 60s come — doctors, engineers, lawyers, scientists," Bikram said.
Why has it become so popular?
"There are hundreds of reasons," he said. "But the shortest answer is, it works."
He cites a recent scientific study in which Bikram yoga appears to prevent bone loss in women and cites the number of loyal celebrity clients — Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Ralph Sampson, Michelle Kwan, Serena and Venus Williams — who claim it prolonged their sports careers. His latest adherent, Kobe Bryant, recently took up Bikram yoga for the same reason, Choudhury said. The clientele ranges from Playboy playmates to the U.S. men's gymnastics team, who did Bikram yoga in Houston before the 2008 Olympics, said Mike Winter, owner of two Houston studios.
Feel the heat
Choudhury came up with the idea for hot yoga a long time ago — just how long ago, he won't say; his birth certificate indicates he's 64, but he intimates he's much older — when practicing yoga in his hometown of Calcutta.
"India is hot. We'd open the windows but my sweat felt cold, so I closed the windows and doors to my practice. Everyone complained to my guru."
He believes that doing the poses in heat stimulates and strengthen muscles, joints and organs.
Classes are standardized, so that a Bikram session is consistent in Houston or Honduras. "Wherever you go — man, woman, which language, young, old — it's exactly the same thing. It's like a Cadillac dealership. Anywhere in the world, you go to buy a Cadillac, and it's the same car. It's a product of Detroit. I'm a product of Beverly Hills," he said.
According to his autobiography, Choudhury's green card came courtesy of President Richard Nixon, whom he treated for advanced thrombophlebitis in his left leg while Nixon was in Hawaii. Soon afterwards, in 1973, Choudhury settled in Beverly Hills and, at the urging of Shirley MacLaine, opened a yoga school. At first, he didn't charge for his classes until MacLaine told, "If you don't charge money, people won't respect you. They'll think you're full of it."
He quickly cottoned to western ways. Although he was conflicted at first, telling MacLaine "If I ask for money, I'm a false yogi, a fraud," Choudhury now lives in a Beverly Hills mansion, owns a fleet of Rolls Royces and Bentleys and a closet of flashy designer clothes and Rolex watches. He sees nothing wrong in combining the material with the spiritual.
"Indian yogi's are old-fashioned, conservative, prejudicial people. You have to look like yogi, talk like yogi, have a beard like yogi. Now, I live in America. Indian people never have the opportunity to learn what the west and America has to offer to this world. (There's) nothing wrong with nice house, nice clothes, nice food, nice friend. But don't forget the other part. You live in the best country in the world, America, but you don't live long enough to enjoy it. So I give you good life, enjoy what you accomplished. It's a balance. That's the most important thing."
He has resisted western vices. He has never tasted alcohol or coffee and never smoked a cigarette. He says he only sleeps a few hours a night and eats only one daily meal — a piece of fish, chicken or meat or a small amount of egg curry rice — at night. "The best food in the world is no food," he said.
He does an advance class three days a week and practices on his own — doing as many as 1,500 crunches in the sauna in sweltering temperatures he says most people couldn't handle — on other days.
Each Bikram class is heavily choreographed from start to finish. While some have questioned the class length and wondered if it could be shortened, he says it must be done in its entirety to realize success.
"It's a melody. If you drop one key, it's not the same," he said.
His manner is mild, but during teacher training sessions, known as "Bikram boot camp," Choudhury is sometimes anything but Zen-like. He has been known to loudly berate teachers and call them out when instructions are not up to his standards.
"I'll do anything to make it work. I'm not an easygoing man," he said.
Answers critics
Choudhury scoffs at Southern Baptist Seminary president Albert Mohler's recent pronouncements that Christians should not practice yoga because it has a spiritual aspect meant to connect with the divine.
"What he said is normal but the way he said it is totally ignorant," Choudhury said "If you do yoga, you have good health. It's a preventative medicine."
And, he maintains, no one in the western world understands spirituality, anyway.
"So far in my life, no western man, including the Pope, can answer this question: 'In one sentence, what is spiritualism?' So when people talk about spirit in the western world, we Indians laugh because if people can't learn A,B,C,D, how can you explain Shakespeare, Byron, Shelley and Keates?"
And he shrugs off criticisms that he copyrighted his 26-posture sequence, even though yoga is a 5,000-year-old tradition that cannot be owned, to create the "McDonald's of yoga."
"Nothing bothers me," he replied. "I'm bullet proof, waterproof, wind proof, money proof, sex proof, emotion proof, stress proof, strength proof."

<3 k.deer

Sunday, November 28, 2010

New York Times- 'Who owns yoga?'

Hindu Group Stirs a Debate Over Yoga’s Soul
Published: November 27, 2010
A small foundation has generated buzz with a campaign asserting that “Hinduism has lost control of the brand.”
So interesting!!! Read this article and ask yourself, what do you associate with yoga? Religion? Exercise? Spirituality? Who owns it? Is it RIGHT for someone to have ownership?
<3 k.deer

20% off K.Deer Haute Yoga Wear for HOT YOGA

20% off K.Deer Haute Yoga Wear!! Go to or directly to and use coupon code THANKFUL20 at checkout!!

Coupon code and sale is active NOW through Cyber Monday!!

This holiday season give the BEST stocking stuffers and presents! Add a headband or thong to a gift certificate for yoga classes! Or hey! Make a custom order for specific colors or prints! I LOVE to get creative with yogis and help find a unique expression of their style for on the mat.


<3 k.deer

Saturday, November 27, 2010



 "Santosha invites us into contentment by taking refuge in a calm center, opening our hearts in gratitude for what we do have, and practicing the paradox of 'not seeking' ".-Deborah Adele.

I think understanding how contentment allows us to feel whole and complete, makes all the difference in how we think and process the world around us. When we feel like we don't have enough or aren't enough of a particular quality, that ultimately means we set some serious EXPECTATIONS on ourselves. It's important to have goals, standards and dreams. But setting expectations of yourself that only goddesses and gods can reach, can only lead to disappointment. Contentment for me, is taking away those heaven reaching expectations and redirecting my FOCUS to what I have within that will provide me with the ability to succeed and be happy.

LET GO of expectations and BE CONTENT with who you are and what you have in the PRESENT MOMENT. And remember, you are exactly who and where you are supposed to be right now.

<3 k.deer

Incorporate Meditation

Daily Insight -- Incorporate Meditation from Yoga Journal

<3 just give it a try!! If you are completely lost, go to yogajournal and look up meditations techniques.

Or a great idea is to you tube 'guided meditation' and sit comfortably at your computer and listen to the guidance of a meditation expert.

Just do it! Try! You have nothing to lose and everything wonderful to potentially gain!!!!

<3 k.deer

Thursday, November 25, 2010

20% off K.Deer Haute Yoga Wear for HOT YOGA

Get haute and sweaty, we've got you covered! Contemporary apparel designed for the demands of the HOT YOGA room!

SHOP NOW through SATURDAY- TAKE 20% off at checkout using coupon code: THANKFUL20. will link you to etsy to purchase!

Or go directly to !

Remember to enter code, THANKFUL20 at checkout for 20% your order! If you are purchasing multiple items, message me and I will consolidate your shipping costs!!

FREE SHIPPING on orders over $100 !!!! <3

Spread the love! Pick up stocking stuffers for your favorite yogis! Add a headband to a gift certificate to make a cute HOT YOGA present!

ALSO!!! Custom orders are 20% off! Do you have a print in mind? Solid colors? Choose your size and I will get it to you within a week! Message me on or thorugh the k.deer website!

Headbands and Thongs also make great gifts for runners, cyclists, gym buffs and teens!!

<3 Order now through Saturday and get 20% off with coupon code THANKFUL20 !!!!

<3 k.deer

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Gina's Beauty Diary: "DEAR DIARY IS HOT YOGA THE NEW FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH?...: "I'm a huge fan of Hot Yoga. I have been practicing for ten years.... I LOVE LOVE LOVE K.Deer Haute Yoga Wear..."

Check it out!! Gina has great perspective on the benefits of yoga. She is an experienced, genuine yogi and I am so excited to pass along her fashionable P.O.V. and love of yoga on to you!

<3 k.deer

Daily Insight -- Don't Get Mad, Get Yoga

Daily Insight -- Don't Get Mad, Get Yoga

Be more compassionate, have better health. Kinda simple. So go for it!!

<3 k.deer

Twitter: kdeerHAUTEyoga

Facebook: K.Deer Haute Yoga Wear

Monday, November 22, 2010

Yoga Journal- Yoga changes our brain chemistry

Great blog post from Yoga Journal- I personally can't wait for the day when Western medicine has their 'Ah HAH' moment about yoga- IT HEALS!!!! It doesn't just MASK the problems like medicines do! As it was long ago and still today in some countries, health professionals or wise gurus would 'prescribe' various postures in order to treat diseases and health problems. Sometimes I get the feeling 'health care' isn't caring much for your health as it is for wallets of those in charge of it. We can start a revolution here- point out to your doctor how yoga has changed your life. Plant the seed. As nice as it is not having insurance companies and the medical field sniffing around our yoga studios to take a piece of the pie, there may be an opportunity to get their support and eventually have yoga prescribed for your health, well being and therepy needs.

Yogis have known for centuries that a yoga practice makes us feel calm and centered. But science is finally catching up with what we've all experienced on the mat and the cushion:  yoga changes our brain chemistry, which in turn helps improve mood and decrease anxiety.


A new study in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary medicine reports that yoga triggers the release of the brain chemical gamma-aminobutyric acid, or GABA, a chemical in the brain that helps to regulate nerve activity.

The findings establish a new link between yoga, higher levels of GABA, and improved mood.

The study, led by researchers at the Boston University School of Medicine (the lead researcher is a yogi!), brings us one step closer toward harnessing yoga's power of prevention and relaxation.  Who knows: maybe this can lead to a wider acceptance of yoga in the medical community as a tool to help people struggling with anxiety and depression.  Prescription for yoga, anyone?

<3 k.deer

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Let Go -- All Together Now

I taught a Hot Vinyasa flow class this afternoon and used a simple idea to repeat throughout the class... you guessed it... LET GO...

It was incredible. I hope and I think I truly felt that every person in that class had something to respond with when asked, "What do you need to let go of? What is holding you back?" Inhale, open the heart, exhale, let go. I reminded students to FEEL the postures and when tensions came up, to LET GO of the feelings that were inhibiting the change to occur. This theme cultivated an energy I've never felt before. By the end of class, it was like all the smoke cleared... the world had lifted off everyones shoulders in some capacity.. we all felt a bit freer. I am SO THANKFUL that I had the opportunity to share that experience and I will always take the lesson my class TAUGHT ME forever..

This quick article from Yoga Journal is a statement to the power of a community class- a collective effort to help one another without even realizing it. We lift each other up in yoga. We share a common goal. So get together and bring peace to your world and the world around you :-)

Daily Insight -- All Together Now

<3 k.deer

Let Go

If you want to bring more LOVE, JOY, HAPPINESS, FOCUS, SUCCESS, FAITH or CREATION into your life...

You must look inside. Deep. Go deeper.. Find the root of what fills up that place but DOES NOT bring you any of what you need..

NOW... LET GO!!!!!!

Get rid of what does not serve you. Let go of anything you are holding onto that holds you back.




LET GO of all the weight you allow the world to bear down on your shoulders. You don't need it. It is not serving you or anyone else to feel these burdens. You have the power to change your mind. YOU have all the tools you need to let go and make room for what you need in your life.


<3 k.deer

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Change is good :)

Stepping into the hot yoga room may change your life. It changed mine. My practice at first was a serious love/hate battle- I cursed myself for coming when it got hard but the moment it ended, I was thankful and stronger and planning tomorrow so I could make it back. Bikram yoga made me change my perspective on how I viewed myself, inside and out. For the most part, the dialog offered instruction and guidance through the physical practice without any spiritual inspiration. But the motivation and reinforcement to stick with the pose, burn it out, stay still, don't fidget and stay in the room- makes a significant impact on your ability to have self control, focus and determination. Without realizing it, I designed my own spiritual connection with the practice and ultimately taught myself how to connect with the present and look inward. No one is in the room there doing the work for you. YOU are in control and YOU have the power to make change in your body and mind. Start there. Then perhaps, change may start to take place in the world around you. Namaste :-)

<3 k.deer

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

My Yoga Journal -- Baby, It's Cold Outside

My Yoga Journal -- Baby, It's Cold Outside

Hmmm...... it IS cold outside...... but it sure is HAUTE inside the HOT YOGA room ;)

<3 Get in. Get Haute. Get Sweaty. <3

Hot Yoga is for Love

Please leave your ego at the door.. We have all heard it before. But before you go and ban your ego from coming onto the mat with you, consider the fact that it's OK to love what you see. It can motivate you, make you feel proud, accomplished or simply content. Your practice may be a moving meditation, but it's also an expression, TO YOURSELF, of who you are. You are there for YOU and only YOU. Express yourself, feel confident in what you do and what you wear, because inside the yoga room is a perfect time to cultivate the love you have for yourself. Love what you see, love how you feel, love who you are.

Express yourself!
<3 k.deer

Monday, November 15, 2010

Wisdom -- Be Courageous

Wisdom -- Be Courageous

Daily Insight -- Meditation in Motion

Daily Insight -- Meditation in Motion

Please Read!! Yoga Journal has such an amazing wealth of knowlege for us all to help strengthen our yoga practice, physically and spiritually!! <3

Design your Monday...

So normally, Mondays are loathed, despised and dreaded. So before you even start the day, you have doomed it to weekday hell. Well, WAKE UP, people. Let this day breathe light into a week of productivity and experiences. DECIDE right NOW that TODAY is going to ROCK. Make a tiny to-do list of things you KNOW you CAN accomplish. Setting expectations- HIGH expectations- will only lead to disappointment when they are not met. Start simple, no big umbrella ideas. Here's my To-Do for Today..

-organize patterns from development
-work out a pattern for new short- make 1 sample (I can always do a second draft if I have time)
-deposits to the bank
-put away laundry- it will make the space more clean, therefor my mind gets more clear!!

Cool- attainable tasks and I will feel SO accomplished when they are complete. There is nothing wrong with setting yourself up for success. So often we do the exact opposite, because we expect SO MUCH from yourselves and others. If you are in an environment where you rely on others to get things done, ask them to do the task, but have them break it down part by part, so they can have multiple wins leading up to completing the task- the ultimate win :)

So you have things to DO.. that's great. But often we get wrapped up in the DO this DO that.... We are not HUMAN-DOINGS, we are HUMAN-BEINGS!! Make your TO-BE list, or you can call it your I-AM list, as we live in the present. Maybe this list is simply what you are feeling, what you want to feel or HOW you are going to BE today. Here's my I-AM list..

-open hearted
-peaceful, calm
-meditate or concentrate for a few minutes if my work starts to get frustrating or overwhelming (it's got potential)
-smile- dance session? ok!
-I want to feel more positive- I know I am talented, I know I will succeed, because what I do comes from the LOVE I have for myself, the LOVE I receive from others, and the LOVE that I share..
-yoga :)

Simple, come back to some key words throughout the day, LOVE, PEACE, OPEN, SMILE, CALM, BREATHE, SUCCESS-- those little reminders will give you a boost and bring awareness to FEELING good throughout your day!

OH! and totally get on the mat... if you can't get to a class, you know what to do!! Maybe a few sun salutations, a pose or two to open your heart, do something active where you can let your mind quiet from the day's hustle and bustle.. Go for a walk and simply focus on your breath, make a rhythm out of your steps and see how refreshed you are by the end. Yoga can present changes inside your mind and body that will bring light, love and happiness into your life. In some capacity, do yoga today :)

Me, I'll be heading to the HOT room.. in my Bum Bums..... --I have to test my sample ;)

<3 k.deer