Tuesday, November 30, 2010

YJ Wisdom -- Change is in the Air

Wisdom -- Change is in the Air

Love this from Yoga Journal-

Change is in the Air

How is it that when life is spun around by circumstances, benign or otherwise, some people flail, while others sail? Why do some of us wallow in that place where we're so shocked and unhappy about an unexpected turn of events that we resist reality and find ourselves mired in bitterness or fear or hopelessness? Instead of accepting change with grace, we dig in our heels and suffer through each day of things not being what we think they should be. What's the secret to riding each new wave gracefully—regardless of whether it deposits you gently on the beach or wallops you down to the seafloor?

Whether we crave or dread change, we can't escape it. Here's how to live with it—and learn from it.

Read the full article:


<3 k.deer


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